Your June 2024 Yoga Calendar is HERE! This month it’s filled with classes designed to help you stay motivated.
Summer is often the time to try new things, so our June intention is: Great things are achieved through small steps.
This month’s suggested class calendar is a curated mix of classes to help you embody this intention. There’s something for you all month long.
As always, we’re kicking things off with a Live Guided Meditation on the first of the month to set the tone for the month ahead. And our monthly bonus restorative yin class is on Sunday the 9th.
Throughout June, let’s challenge ourselves to take those little steps to stay on track.
Oh, and don’t forget about your member’s only bonus: save $200 when you sign up for the Find Your Bliss in Bonaire yoga retreat. Check your email (or reach out to me) for the discount code and claim your room today.
So, let’s make June a month of deliberate choice. Each class is an opportunity to take little steps in the right direction!
Use your June Yoga Calendar, and I”ll catch you on the mat!