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Category: Conquer Self-Doubt

Reclaim Your Goals

Wow! July is flying by, which naturally brings me to this thought: We’re over halfway through this year! How amazing is that?? Ready to reclaim your goals? Because being halfway through the year makes this the perfect time to think about your beginning of the year goals! 🌟 If you set any New Year’s resolutions …

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Meet the Members: Say Hi to Carrie!

To strengthen our yoga community, once a month I catch up with a different member so you can get to know each other better. This month I was lucky enough to talk with Carrie!⁠ ☀️ In a few words, tell me who you are: I’m Carrie, a mom, wife, photographer, and lover of rescue cats, …

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Yoga During the Week Between

Yoga’s Benefits During the Week Between Christmas and the New Year As we find ourselves in the lull between the festivities of Hanukkah and Christmas and the excitement of New Year’s, I wanted to chat briefly about the incredible benefits of incorporating yoga into this unique week. This time can often feel like a bit …

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Give Yourself the Gift

Give yourself exactly what you want this holiday season: peace and wellness! Did you know that 64% of people are planning to buy themselves a holiday present this year? If you’re one of them, give yourself something that lasts. 🎁 Give Yourself the Best Gift Give yourself the gift of serenity with the Stacey Stufflebeam …

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Take time for yourself in December

Take time for yourself in December so you can feel better. This time of year can be quite a whirlwind with the holiday rush, gatherings, and all the hustle and bustle. It’s a time when stress levels can skyrocket, and finding moments of calm becomes essential. Yoga offers this wonderful sanctuary amidst the chaos. It’s …

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Get Inspired With Yoga

How do you get inspired? I was talking to an artist friend yesterday who was excited to get back into her studio because she had just gotten some new supplies to try out some new mediums. We talked about how exciting it is to mix things up. I got to do just that last month …

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Free First Day of Autumn Feel Better Yoga Flow Class

Join us for a Free First Day of Autumn Feel Better Yoga Flow Class on Saturday, September 23, 2023. This free yoga class will help you feel better as you welcome a new season into your life.

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Feel Better

I truly love helping people feel better. When you come to my yoga classes, my main goal is to help you feel better. That’s why you’ll often hear me say that we all come to yoga for our own individual reasons, but we all come back for the same one: to feel better. Yoga Helps …

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June Yoga Calendar

Happy (almost) June! Your June yoga calendar is here, and it’s designed to bring peace and calm into your life. June in the membership is all about moving forward – starting with our intention: Great things are achieved through small steps. When you remind yourself that taking deliberate steps toward your goal is more sustainable, …

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