Your September 2022 Yoga Calendar is here!
As soon as you open it, you’ll notice our theme for this month.
I am worthy of good things.
Throughout the month you’ll practice classes designed to keep you in the present moment where you can focus on the little things that are going well in your life.
With the month’s theme you will see how life feels a little easier when you appreciate what is going well. You get a chance to let go of the burdens from your past and your ambitions for tomorrow to find peace in the present moment and appreciate all you’ve created to get to where you are right now.
Here’s your September 2022 Yoga Calendar to help you enjoy your life today as you prepare for your next big dream.
As usual, we meditate on Mondays to give our bodies rest and intentionally kick off the week.
Need a little extra accountability?
You’re in the right place!
This month there are more chances than ever to show up live! You can tune in (from work?) for the quick meditation at 9:00 a.m. CT on the first of the month and roll out your mat for 4 weekly live yoga classes every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. You don’t even have to turn on your camera!
Use this month’s calendar to take the work out of picking which class to practice when.
It’s designed to make it easier for you to feel better because the more often you practice,
- it gets easier to show up the next time,
- you will notice your progress quicker,
- and it helps you fully show up for the rest of your life too.
How often will you show up in September?
Set an ambitious goal.
Even if you don’t quite meet it, it will get you on your mat more often. That’s a win every time!
Plus, this month we’re having a contest!
We’re giving away prizes to members who show up the most in September.
- There’s a prize for the member who practices the most (total) classes,
- another prize for whoever does the most on-demand classes,
- and one more for the member who shows up for the most Live classes.
Three chances to win!
Remember our theme as you make this month count, friend! You are worthy of good things like participating in this yoga contest and more importantly showing up for yourself!
If you’re not a member yet, start here. There’s still time to get in on the contest. When you join the first 7 days are free and every class you take during your trial in September counts toward your total for the contest!