Your March 2022 Yoga Calendar is here!
This month prioritize your health and well-being. Instead of making excuses, use this calendar. It takes the work out of picking which class to roll your mat out for. Plus, you’ll finish all but 2 of the on-demand classes on this month’s calendar in under 30 minutes.
You’re worth it. You deserve it. And one class at a time, you can do it.
You can prioritize yourself to find peace, create joy, and feel better. Try scheduling it as if it’s an appointment for someone you love – an appointment that you would never miss.
When you show up to take care of yourself first, you can then show up as your best for everyone else in your life too. Win, win!
The more often you practice, the easier it gets to show up for the next class, the quicker you will notice progress, and the easier it gets to fully show up for the rest of your life too.
You’ll get stronger both mentally and physically. You’ll build self-confidence both on and off your mat. And you’ll find peace in the present moment.
Here’s your March 2022 Yoga Calendar to help put a spring in your step.
You know you feel better after you practice so use our yoga membership calendar to inspire you to roll out your mat especially when you want to be surprised by what comes next.
Show up for yourself, your life, and your yoga practice.
Access all of these Feel Better Yoga Flow and mindfulness classes through the membership or rent them individually.
Want to make it even more fun? Check off each class after you finish them and let me know how many you complete by the end of the month!
Stay tuned for next month’s calendar.