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Yoga Props

Yoga Props Can Help You Feel Better!

Now that we’ve realized that Yoga at Home is something we’ve grown to love regardless of if studios are open or closed, you might be wondering how you can create that in-studio feeling at home. Luckily, creating your own home studio space can be relatively easy and when you’re ready to spend a little money on quality yoga props, you can start here.

Plus, after a year of sanitizing everything thing that someone else might have touched, maybe (like me) you’re starting to wonder if you’re ever going to want to use community props at a studio again. 😉

I love yoga props. In fact, after almost 20 years of practicing yoga, I love them more than ever! There’s rarely a class when I don’t use one to deepen a stretch, get into a pose that’s just out of my reach, or correct my alignment. Then there’s savasana. Give me some props: eye pillow, bolster, or block. They can all make it better.

So how do you curate your home yoga studio? Of course, you need a mat but after that, here are the props that I love.


1. Yoga Blocks

If you’re only going to buy one yoga prop, I’d recommend a set of yoga blocks. I use a block in almost every class.

My favorite use for a yoga block? Under my hand in triangle pose.

I bought these Hugger Mugger Cork Blocks because I didn’t want more plastic in my life and I’m so glad that I did. I love that they’re firm and very stable and have held up beautifully for more than a decade.

If you prefer a block with a little more give, try these made from recycled foam:


2. Bolster

If you like Restorative Yoga classes, then you already know how wonderful bolsters are but I think bolsters have a place in every class.

My favorite use for a yoga bolster? Behind my knees in savasana at the end of every class.

Bolsters come in all kinds of shapes and sizes but the most common are long, round ones (my favorite!) or shorter, rectangle bolsters. Look for one with a handle so it’s easier to carry around.

I have one of both shapes (round and rectangle) from Bean Products. I choose this brand because I knew I’d be able to (mentally) relax deeper on one with an organic cotton cover than conventional. Plus, they have a rainbow of colors to pick from.

3. Yoga Strap

No doubt about it, yoga straps help deepen our stretches. (Hello, hamstrings in forward fold!) But they also help get us into more complicated poses (like Dancer and Mermaid) and help us relax in restorative poses as well.

My favorite use for a yoga strap? Cinched around my thighs in Legs-Up-The-Wall pose so I can relax and keep my legs together at the same time.

Straps aren’t complicated and can easily be substituted with a belt or towel at home but that doesn’t make them any less handy.

I picked this one from prAna for two reasons. It’s made with organic cotton (I’m sure you’ve picked up on the theme here) and because it has a metal clasp. I’ve seen the plastic ones wear out over time.

4. Yoga Jellies

These babies are great if you get wrist or knee pain in poses like Table. The firm yet cushiony support really helps.

For full transparency here, I don’t own these, but I have used them and I find myself recommending them all the time. Students who use them say they are a game-changer!

My favorite use for yoga jellies? Under my pelvis during Locust pose.

5. Flax Eye Pillow

I saved the best for last. This is my favorite yoga prop! It’s simple. It’s cheap. And I love mine because, like all props, it allows me to go deeper into a pose. The simple act of placing an eye pillow over my eyes at the end of practice, signals to my brain that it’s time to settle in and relax.

My favorite use of an eye pillow? Savasana, of course!

I can’t find the one I use anywhere for sale, but they’re not complicated. You could even make one yourself if you know how to sew. (Actually, I’ve made them, and I don’t know how to sew, if that means anything!) The biggest decision is if you want yours scented with lavender or not. 😊

Now that you know my favorite yoga props, where will you begin?

Don’t feel like you need to rush out and buy them all! Which one would improve your at-home yoga practice? When you practice at home, do you miss a certain prop from your favorite brick-and-mortar studio? Start there and add to your collection as needed.

Want more tips for easily setting up your at-home yoga space, sign up here. (You’ll get the Gratitude Meditation as an added bonus!)

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And full disclosure: None of these brands sponsor me but I could get a couple of pennies from AMAZON IF YOU PURCHASE SOMETHING THROUGH ANY OF MY LINKS. 😊