Your February 2024 Yoga Calendar is here!
Happy February!
Your February yoga calendar is here, and you’re going to love the new monthly theme! Breathe in love. Breathe out love. I am love.
And to celebrate, throughout the month you’ll practice all the most loved classes in the membership.
When you allow yourself to pause and notice the present moment during your yoga practice, it makes it easier to believe in yourself.
Here’s your February Yoga and Meditation Calendar to help you trust yourself, find peace in the present moment, and dream bigger every time you show up.
February Yoga and Meditation Calendar (click here)
Because I’m leading our first retreat tomorrow, I’ve recorded our Monthly Meditation so you can listen to it anytime throughout the day.
Use the calendar to take the work out of picking which classes to practice as you flow through the new month. It’s designed to make it easier for you to show up so you can feel better whenever you need it.
The more often you practice, the more you’ll focus on the love in your life.
If you’re not in the membership yet, join today so you can flow through February with love with the most beloved classes in the membership throughout the shortest month of the year.
How often will you get on your mat in February?
Set an ambitious goal. Even if you don’t quite meet it, it will get you on your mat more often.
See you soon, friend.
Thanks for reading. I’m so glad you’re here.