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Tag: Conquer Self-Doubt

Reclaim Your Goals

Wow! July is flying by, which naturally brings me to this thought: We’re over halfway through this year! How amazing is that?? Ready to reclaim your goals? Because being halfway through the year makes this the perfect time to think about your beginning of the year goals! 🌟 If you set any New Year’s resolutions …

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Meet the Members: Say Hi to Carrie!

To strengthen our yoga community, once a month I catch up with a different member so you can get to know each other better. This month I was lucky enough to talk with Carrie!⁠ ☀️ In a few words, tell me who you are: I’m Carrie, a mom, wife, photographer, and lover of rescue cats, …

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Take time for yourself in December

Take time for yourself in December so you can feel better. This time of year can be quite a whirlwind with the holiday rush, gatherings, and all the hustle and bustle. It’s a time when stress levels can skyrocket, and finding moments of calm becomes essential. Yoga offers this wonderful sanctuary amidst the chaos. It’s …

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Meet The Members: Say Hi to Lindsay!

Because today is Small Business Saturday and I’m so thankful that you support mine, I’ve saved this month’s spotlight of one of your fellow members until today. This month I talked with long-time member, Lindsay! ☀️ In a few words, tell me who you are: Introverted-extrovert pinball addict who loves fishing & riding the motorcycle. …

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October 2023 Yoga Calendar

Happy October! It’s a new month, and with that brings your new October Yoga Calendar. This month, our intention is “I let go of doubt to welcome trust. I trust myself.” This powerful theme is designed to help you shed doubt, embrace trust, and nurture your self-confidence as you flow through our suggested class calendar. …

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Feel Better

I truly love helping people feel better. When you come to my yoga classes, my main goal is to help you feel better. That’s why you’ll often hear me say that we all come to yoga for our own individual reasons, but we all come back for the same one: to feel better. Yoga Helps …

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Dream Bigger Yoga Retreat

Imagine spending 6 days on a yoga retreat totally focusing on you. Your needs. Your well-being. Your dreams. Imagine returning home to your loved ones feeling rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated. Now take a deep breath and smile because your chance is here! The Dream Bigger Yoga Retreat Stacey Stufflebeam Yoga is going on our first …

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A Healthier 2023 For You

If getting healthier (physically or mentally) is one of your 2023 goals, join me in the membership. You can get started today with any of the 4 weekly LIVE classes or any of the almost 100 on-demand yoga and mediation classes.⁠ ⁠ Between being sick for the first 2 weeks of the month and on …

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Trust Instead of Self-Doubt

Have you ever walked into a room, and thought, “What am I thinking? I can’t do this!” or “There must be a mistake, I’m not qualified,” or even a simple “What am I doing here?!?” You’re not alone! We’ve all experienced those moments of self-doubt and feelings of Imposter Syndrome! There are ways to conquer …

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