If getting healthier (physically or mentally) is one of your 2023 goals, join me in the membership. You can get started today with any of the 4 weekly LIVE classes or any of the almost 100 on-demand yoga and mediation classes. Between being sick for the first 2 weeks of the month and on …
Tag: Create Your Future
Yoga to Keep You Young
Did you know that yoga will help you keep up with the kids? Over the past week, I’ve had two different people tell me that keeping up with their kids/grandkids is their favorite side effect of their yoga practice. And it makes sense! Think about how often kids (especially little kids) get up and down …
July Yoga Calendar
Your July 2022 Yoga Calendar is here! As we hit the halfway point of this year, let’s pause and be proud of how far we’ve come. This month’s theme is “I am proud of myself.” Each of our livestream classes this month will intentionally focus on being proud of yourself, your practice, your dreams, and …
Get Your Stacey Stufflebeam Yoga Notebook
We’re closing in on the final week to receive my favorite Stacey Stufflebeam Yoga notebook when you join the membership! It’s only available when you join in June 2022. It’s the perfect place to write down your (on and off the mat) changes and growth. The membership is where you will transform yourself! You know …
It’s Time to Feel Better
Does it ever feel like everyone else has time to do the things that make them happier and feel better, but you never do? You’re constantly busy! Your schedule is full – but full of things for everyone else: finish the project, drive the carpool, schedule the appointments, do the volunteer work, bring the snacks… …
Choose Calm. Choose Peace. Choose You.
Imagine what would happen if the first thing you said to yourself every morning for the next month was: I choose to be calm and at peace. If you intentionally lived from the thought, “I choose to be calm and at peace,” even if you don’t believe it yet, what would change in your life? …
Earth Day Yoga Ideas
The longer you practice yoga, it becomes clear that your “yoga practice” stretches well beyond your mat and the poses. You carry what you learn with you and start to notice that you’re calmer, more compassionate, and more considerate of your actions. In short, you become nicer – nicer to the people around you and …
Free Earth Day Yoga Class
Earth Day + Yoga = Free Stacey Stufflebeam Yoga live-stream class Yoga and the well-being of our planet have always gone together. This relationship comes naturally because it’s where we live. It’s also where our favorite people and animals live. As you practice yoga, you become more aware of your union with things greater than …
A Much Needed Mood Boost
Usually, these articles are about you, your goals, and tools to help you reach your goals but I feel like I need to get personal for a change. I’ve been struggling lately and, in case, you can relate I want you to know that you are not alone. Over the years February has gotten harder …
The High Achiever Paradox
I had never heard the term “The High Achiever Paradox” before a couple weeks ago but you probably already know what it means. It’s the paradox that high achieving individuals feel stuck, unhappy, or unable to truly enjoy their successes. First, Who is a High Achiever? It’s probably you. You’ve done all the things: you …